Sandblasting defines fine solid particles blown at high pressure, usually intended for cleaning the surface, also known as jet cleaning. The term sandblasting can change to blasting, vitrification, sandblasting depending on the chosen abrasive. In Lithuania, sand is probably the most commonly used for sandblasting, but since it has been officially established that sand dust causes serious lung diseases, western countries have started banning the use of sand for sandblasting, or all work must be strictly controlled using air supply, ventilation, dust extraction systems, many alternative abrasives have appeared, such as aluminum oxide, steel, plastic, glass beads, even organic nut shells, corn husks and more.
Sandblasting requires three essential parts: an abrasive, a powerful air compressor and a sandblasting nozzle. The purpose of sandblasting is twofold – either to remove rust, paint or other dirt from the surface, or to polish, change the surface, “carve” decorative elements for works of art. When sandblasting indoors or outdoors, an “astronaut” suit is practically necessary, but mobile small parts can be sandblasted without the protection of a sandblasting booth.
What can be sandblasted? Basically everything. It is the most effective way to remove rust from steel parts, old paint and oxides from aluminum rims, dirt from bricks, plastic, etc. Suitable for artwork, e.g. “aging” wood, sandblasting glass parts, making the surface of the material matte or polished.
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